Technology has changed the way we market everything and that includes insurance

The most important principle to learn today about marketing in a digital age is that you need to do things on a massive scale. By that we mean massive exposure. That is what social media is for — communicating information. But, it is important to remember not to spread yourself too thin and end up scattering your marketing efforts by trying to sell too many things at once.

In order to move your agency toward being steady and financially stable, it is important to focus on one question: How many new people (potential customers) have seen and heard a full marketing presentation of your products? Make your sole focus marketing presentations, while someone else at your agency takes care of existing customers, and watch your bottom line blossom.

The only way to garner more insurance sales is to be creative, think like a buyer and offer what the customer needs, not what you want to sell. Push out of your comfort zone to do something different, radical, unexpected and see the results. Even an approach that gives you cold feet at first can surprise you if you give it a chance.

Benepath is the leading provider of exclusive health insurance leads to agents across the United States. To learn more, visit or call 1-866-368-0377

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