Macy’s Raises Funds for Nationwide ‘Got Your 6’ Veteran Campaign

Macy’s department store is fundraising for “Got Your 6,” a national veteran campaign that will distribute money to charities with the goal of providing veterans with jobs, college programs and other opportunities to help them engage with their communities.

Macy’s customers are donating $3 at the store’s cash registers in return for a 15 to 25 percent discount on their purchases. Donations kicked off on May 16 and are being accepted leading up to Memorial Day on May 25, 2015.

The Cincinnati-based company has raised $5 million for “Got Your 6” in the past two years with around 1.7 million people having donated to the campaign. “Got Your 6” refers to the military phrase for “I’ve got your back.”

Employers are at times reluctant to hire veterans due to concerns over post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues posing a problem to employees and customers. “Got Your 6” works to dispel common misconceptions about veterans, along with helping them integrate with the community and empowering them to become leaders.

Efforts are also underway to make veterans an integral part of the American work force. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has compiled a group of 1,500 companies committed to employing veterans.

Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC fights for veterans rights. We fight to make sure you get the benefits you deserve from the Department of Veterans Affairs. To learn more or contact a veterans lawyer, visit or call 800.693.4800

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