7 Reasons to Use Parenting Plans in Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediators Orange County; California Divorce MediatorsWhen couples decide to separate, the decision does not always come easy to them. Orange County divorce proceedings in the court are more often than not loaded with anger, anguish, and emotions of hurt and betrayal. When it comes to divorce, there are several matters in which the couples compete against each other. These include property, cash, and other valuables, yet the most important of all these is child custody.

The most important asset for a parent during and after their Orange County divorce proceedings are their children. The importance of a child in terms of divorce can be seen by the fact that child custody cases are one of the most hotly contested cases in then family law courts of California.

Having said that though, there is another way to make sure parents are able to amicably decide on the child custody and other matters related to the child’s welfare without having to have bitter, long feuds in the court of laws. The divorce mediation dispute resolution method in Orange County allows the spouses to communicate and sort out the issues concerning the child. This is done to make sure the child is able to stay unaffected by the parental animosities and disputes.

Here are a few reasons that highlight benefits of using Orange County divorce mediation’s parenting plan:

  • When it comes to the process of divorce mediation, the parents are allowed ample time to discuss their differences and reach a conclusion. This helps the parents formulate child-focused and thoughtful parenting plans for the benefits of the child.
  • Mediation allows not only the effective formulation of the parenting plan, but through in-depth discussion, it allows for both parties to analyze the plan and iron out its kinks before its implementation.
  • Generally, the process of mediation and formulation of parenting plan allows better communication between the parents lessening the animosity between the spouses.
  • Parenting plans are not only important practically, they also have significant moral impact. The formulation of a parenting plan, and the willingness to participate in the Orange County mediation highlights the resolve of the parents to keep the child first.
  • Orange County mediation allows the parents to decide on the way to deal with the future of the child in a comprehensive conclusion avoiding future conflicts.
  • Parenting plans formulated as part of the mediation agreement reached between the parents are legally enforceable and provide little opportunity for either spouse to rescind.
  • Perhaps one of the most important reasons to use Orange County divorce mediation and the parenting plan is its ability to allow improvement. Usually, the parenting plans formulated in divorce mediation allow the parents to consult third party experts to help them through the process of parenting.

divorce_attorney Gerald A. Maggio is a trained Orange County divorce mediator who has amicably resolved cases many cases out of court, as well as an experienced divorce and family law attorney. Mr. Maggio founded California Divorce Mediators in 2012 with the belief that although “not every marriage can be saved, every family can” and a mission to save families from the financial and emotional distress associated with traditional divorce litigation. California Divorce Mediators is located in Irvine, California, and serves the Orange County area and other counties in California offering divorce mediation, child custody mediation and mediation of other family law matters.

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