Motorcyclists at great risk of sustaining serious injury in truck collisions

Big Rigs are not just involved in accidents with cars and other larger vehicles. They have also been involved in crashes with motorcycles.

A motorcyclist has very little chance of surviving a collision that involves a tractor-trailer. Those who manage to walk away from such a collision will fare best if they contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to obtain compensation for their injuries and property damage.

Consider a recent case in San Jacinto County: a biker was traveling on U.S. Highway 59 one October afternoon in 2012. Without warning, a tractor-trailer unit belonging to Transco Express Corp. swung into his lane. The biker lost control of his motorcycle and crashed. He did make it out of the accident alive, and chose to file a personal injury lawsuit against Transco Express, Johnny Thrasher Jr. and Danny Madden.

The biker is seeking compensation from the courts for impairment and disfigurement, medical expenses, mental anguish, and pain and suffering.

Motorcycle accidents are often fatal, but of those that live to tell the tales of their brushes with death, many need substantial compensation to deal with life-altering injuries. Often the injuries are catastrophic, and the biker needs medical care in some form for the rest of their life. To be in a position to obtain enough long-term compensation to live and continue with medical care and rehabilitation, even marginally, an accident victim needs the help of an experienced injury lawyer to deal with the insurance companies, and to ensure they get a just and equitable settlement or jury award for their injuries.

Lee, Gober and Reyna – If you need a personal injury lawyer or help with an auto accident, motorcycle accident, wrongful death, or burn injury case, contact Lee, Gober and Reyna by visiting or calling 512.800.8000

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