Gilfix discusses Medi-Cal planning in the San Francisco Chronicle

Michael Gilfix In the August 24, 2014 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle, reporter Kathleen Pender wrote about Medi-Cal reimbursement or “estate claims” that are imposed on a person’s estate if they receive Medi-Cal and after they pass. The article makes the point that the state could seek “an unlimited amount” from an individual’s estate when “Medi-Cal pays all the person’s health care costs.” This claim applies to all benefits received from age 55.

A major concern is that such claims blindside tens of thousands of older Californians who are receiving “expanded Medi-Cal” under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. They are shocked to learn that their estate, most typically consisting of their residence, will be essentially attacked upon their passing.

Michael Gilfix points out in the article that assets could be protected from such Medi-Cal recovery claims. “There are certain ways to transfer a home out of an estate, although this can raise tax issues,” Michael Gilfix is quoted in the article.

Clients of Gilfix & La Poll understand that the residence can be protected and that many potential tax traps can be avoided with careful planning.

Learn more by contacting Gilfix & La Poll Associates LLP at

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