It’s a Lot Cheaper to Use Internet Leads than Direct Mail Leads

For diehards who love direct-mail campaigns because they are more personal than working on the Internet, step back for a minute. In this day and age of social media, Internet leads are far more valuable than direct-mail campaigns, not to mention cheaper.

Direct mail means tons of time creating the right copy, plus the cost and trouble to acquire paper, mailing lists and postage, all at a lower rate of return. Most direct mail these days ends up in garbage cans in the post office. Beat the odds of being tossed without a second glance at your campaign by using Internet leads. Sure, people can delete your email, but it did not cost you what a direct-mail campaign would.

Additionally, with the Internet, more people get to know you “personally.” That’s a good thing, because if people feel they know and trust you, you get more business. Sometimes things are just that simple.

Benepath is the leading provider of exclusive life insurance leads. To learn more, visit or call 1-866-368-0377

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