Internal politics holding the line against immigration reform

Not too long ago, President Obama said the immigration reform bill would pass in the House. Where is it?

Just recently, Obama said the reform bill was “this close” and the only thing holding it up was Republican shenanigans, otherwise known as internal party politics. It appears that “this close” is still not so close as the latest new political tactics show. Now politicians are trying to get the bill passed under the guise of economic reform, which isn’t a bad angle, given how much passing the bill would bolster the shaky U.S. economy.

Just in quick recap, immigration reform legislation, worked on by the eight infamous senators from both parties passed in the Senate in June 2013. Since then, it was been swallowed up whole and did a disappearing act on the floor of the House. What’s the holdup? It’s as simple and as complex as there are some provisions in the proposal that majority house members object to and won’t touch with a barge pole.

Prior to the bill seemingly drowning on the House floor, Obama was heard to remark, on several occasions, that he was positive it would be approved. However, internal politics have become a major sticking point, which is not much of surprise considering the scenario involves politicians who cannot agree on much of anything. Odd that they are elected to represent the will of the people, and then don’t do that.

Rather than tackle the proposed bill as a whole, the House approach has been to gut the contents and go at different parts, proposing different bills —- an a la carte approach that effectively paralyses any further forward momentum. Nonetheless, the House, at least those that back the bill, thought they could aim for passage within the next few months.

When politicians get involved in anything that is crucial to the welfare of the nation, its growth and attempts at prosperity, there is rarely unanimity, any type of a coalition or cooperation. It becomes a game of football, with immigrants being tossed about from pillar to post. The bizarre thing is that when the Republicans concerns are broken down and out, it appears that the proposed immigration reform would address or improve upon their concerns, because at this late date, nothing would ever completely fix the mess the system is in.

In the merry-go-round that is the House and Senate, immigration reform still waits for its day in the sun. How much longer? No one knows.

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