Who are the headlines for on your insurance website?

If you said the headlines are for the search engines, you are half right. Ideally, headlines are for customers and search engines.

Remember one thing though —- headlines do not need to be long, long sentences. In fact, shoot for less than eight words. If you can’t make it eight words, then try another heading. Why is this so important? The longer the heading, the higher the likelihood that search engines split it with an ellipsis, which looks really ridiculous to begin with and causes confusion for the engines. Spilt titles are difficult for a search engine to categorize properly, meaning this lowers your chances of getting a higher ranking.

Also, there is a myth about website titles. It says you should rely on using meta-tags to give your keywords that extra bit of oomph. Do not rely on just your meta-tags to trumpet your keywords. Be careful what you choose for a title because the title can affect your website more than you realize. So, ideally, you would want to list specific keywords first then add in others, the ones with a broader scope. You lead with your best keywords in the title, because search engines give them the most importance. Put another way, specific keywords used in a title often override any meta-tags you have.

One bit of good news when it comes to insurance marketing and creating and choosing titles to use online is that Google can handle up to 70 characters and not split the title. So long as the title does not go over 70 characters, the whole thing is displayed. This isn’t to suggest that longer titles are good, as shorter ones tend to be more effective and capture people’s attention.

If you want your insurance website to start acting like it is a force to be reckoned with, hire the right search engine optimization (SEO) company that also offers clean, clear and crisp website design, highly effective and ethical SEO techniques and top notch professionalism. It’s the best investment your insurance agency will ever make.

Ready to Quote is an insurance marketing company focusing on search engine marketing and <a href="http://www.readytoquote.com“>insurance websites. Learn more at http://www.readytoquote.com/ or call 1.800.504.8593

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