Senate deal on immigration reform close to being done, or will it ever be?

The media suggests immigration reform is close to being done. Not too many people really think it ever will be, despite what politicians say.

The latest so-called media scoop was that a Senate group of like-minded individuals from both parties were poised on the brink of announcing a major overhaul to the immigration system. Further reports suggested that the hearing would begin right on the heels of that announcement. Anyone recall hearing that announcement? Not too many do recall hearing something that momentous. However, they certainly can point fingers at the jockeying for political position and the robust claims that things were about to change. So far, not much has changed.

The most recent attempt to smooth feathers was supposed to include a path to citizenship for 11 million immigrants and was, ideally, to be a flexible template for an agreement between Congress and the White House. Somewhere along the goat path of political shenanigans, the whole thing got lost —- again. Interestingly enough, Sen. John McCain said they did not have that many issues left to negotiate and that it was time to get things done.

Then, there is Sen. Marco Rubio, who likes the plan for hearings, committees and debates, preferring not to rush into something and get blindsided later. Largely though, the thought process behind debating the whole issue, once again, is to improve on the working group’s proposals. The Senator would also push for public hearings on the immigration bill.

While further debate may seem to make sense and people may appreciate the caution, there is a very real chance that more problems will surface in regard to the bipartisan committee proposal. Not much of a surprise there, since most Republicans, despite what they say, are not willing to stand behind any measure that catapults illegals forward on a path to acquiring citizenship.

Does anyone else get the feeling this is a merry-go-round?

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