Preventing Maternal Infections after Birth

Preventing maternal infections after birth involves proper medical hygiene, wound treatment if needed, and other preventative methods. Hospitals that cause an infection or fail to properly address it may be held liable by patients who file a medical malpractice claim with lawyers in Ohio.  

Means of Preventing Maternal Infections after Birth 

New mothers who have just given birth may be susceptible to several different types of infections, like: 

  • Endometritis;
  • infections at sites of incisions and tears; and
  • bladder and kidney infections.

Many of these problems, if left untreated, can cause serious and lasting complications.

Patients should cooperate with doctors’ instructions to prevent infection in the hospital and as they are recovering at home. For new moms, this includes washing hands before touching any wounds or scars from the childbirth. It also involves cleaning all sites according to the instructions given by the doctor or hospital, and using any anti-bacterial preparations prescribed to prevent infection.

Hospitals, though, should also take steps to avoid hospital-acquired infections. Hospital workers should practice proper hygiene like washing their hands before and after treating a patient.

In 2011, researchers published in Health Affairs found that simple prevention methods at a children’s hospital system in North Carolina – hand sanitizer outside patients’ rooms, educational posters, oral care kits, and more – reduced time in hospital, overall hospitalization costs, and mortality rate. Proper wound care is another important aspect of preventing infection, especially following a C-section.

Maternal Infections and Filing a Malpractice Claim with Lawyers in Ohio 

Not all infections can be attributed to medical negligence, but there are times when infection can be traced to negligence on the part of the doctor, nurse or surgical team: 

  • performs a procedure incorrectly;
  • fails to exercise proper hygiene; or
  • fails to follow up with infection-preventing measures.

Patients or their families may pursue compensation for damages related to infections after birth with help from lawyers in Ohio.