Potential Cephalopelvic Disproportion-Related Birth Injuries

Cases of cephalopelvic disproportion that cause birth injuries can vary from the mild to the very severe. An Ohio injury lawyer can assist if injuries are severe and are caused by medical neglect of a healthcare professional.

What are some cephalopelvic disproportion birth injuries and birth defects? 

One of the most common cephalopelvic disproportion birth injuries is bruising. Bruising can be caused by the baby struggling to make its way through the birth canal. Bruising may also be the result of doctors delivering the baby with forceps and vacuum extraction. Fortunately, the bruises typically resolve in a matter of days.

Unfortunately, forceps can cause more severe injuries as well. Although rare, a skull fracture can develop when a doctors uses forceps with too much force. Bone fractures can occur in other bones as well, especially the collarbone. Forceps can also cause paralysis when they pinch a nerve. In minor cases, though, the paralysis may clear up within a matter of weeks.

When the baby suffers from distress from prolonged labor, he or she may suffer from a lack of oxygen, which can result in birth defects; this may be the result of umbilical cord prolapse, which occurs when the umbilical cord enters the birth canal ahead of the child. If this occurs, the problem may be further complicated if the child is too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis. Many cases of umbilical cord prolapse necessitate a C-section.

Shoulder dystocia, meanwhile, occurs when a baby’s shoulders get stuck in the birth canal during delivery leading to: 

  • nerve damage;
  • bruising; and
  • lacerations.

This condition is especially common if the baby is very large or in a breech position. 

Set up Consultation with an Ohio Injury Lawyer 

Some injuries or birth defects may be the result of medical malpractice. Parents suspect negligence led to their child’s injuries or medical condition may consult an Ohio injury lawyer at Mellino Robenalt LLC. Call (444) 333-3800 to set up an appointment to discuss cephalopelvic disproportion birth injuries.