Klumpke’s Paralysis: Signs and Treatment

Klumpke’s paralysis occurs when the lower brachial plexus is injured. These are the nerves that send signals from the spinal cord to the hand, arm and shoulder. When these nerves are damaged, it can lead to a variety of complications, with one of the more severe being paralysis. If paralysis or other injuries are the result of medical negligence, medical malpractice lawyers in Ohio can help pursue a claim for damages.  

How does Klumpke’s paralysis occur? 

Klumpke’s paralysis occurs when there is trauma to the shoulder. During birth, this can happen for a number of reasons.

One is if the shoulder becomes wedged in the birth canal. This can be the result of the baby being in an abnormal position, the birth canal being too small, or the baby being large.

Another potential reason this birth injury may occur is when too much force is used in attempting to deliver the baby. For the same reasons a shoulder can get stuck, it can lead a physician to use inappropriate means of pulling the baby. Force can be made with his or her hands, or a tool such as forceps. If done carelessly or recklessly, the shoulder could sustain injuries.

What are the signs of and treatment used for Klumpke’s paralysis? 

The signs generally include loss of movement in the hand and arm; it may be weak and floppy when moved.

Recovery is possible without treatment in some cases. It can sometimes take a few months, however, for the injury to heal. If the injury doesn’t heal on its own, then other forms of treatment may be necessary. This could include physical therapy or surgery.

When a newborn has been diagnosed with a birth injury, it’s important to consider what might have caused the injuries. If birth injuries were the result of negligence, it could warrant filing a claim or lawsuit with help from medical malpractice lawyers in Ohio. Contact Mellino Robenalt, LLC to set up a consultation to discuss the details of a case of Klumpke’s paralysis.