Delayed Emergency C-section & Malpractice Claims

In the case of a delayed emergency C-section, malpractice may be found with regard to the medical professional who did not perform the procedure in a timelier manner. If doctors delay in ordering a C-section, it could have disastrous effects, making labor more difficult, increasing the chances of birth injury and, in extreme cases, leading to stillbirth.

In these cases, or if a medical professional causes complications such as infection after a C-section, victims may decide to pursue a medical malpractice claim alleging delivery malpractice. Victims or their families can contact Cleveland medical malpractice lawyers for help with an Ohio delivery malpractice case. 

Reasons for an Emergency C-section 

Emergency C-sections may be ordered when there is a sudden change in the labor process or when there is a threat to the mother or child’s wellbeing.

Some of the possible reasons for undergoing an emergency C-section include: 

  • fetal distress;
  • low maternal blood pressure;
  • placental abruption;
  • uterine rupture;
  • umbilical cord prolapse;
  • placenta previa;
  • breeched birthing position;
  • preeclampsia; and
  • slowed or stopped labor.

When these signs are presented, it’s crucial that doctors recognize them and take appropriate action. If an emergency C-section isn’t ordered, malpractice may be evaluated by Cleveland medical malpractice lawyer who may call on an Ohio medical expert to testify regarding the actions of the doctor.

Consequences of a Delayed Emergency C-section 

According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and American Academy of Pediatrics, once it’s been determined that an emergency C-section is medically necessary, it should be performed within 30 minutes.

In some cases, such as when the umbilical cord has prolapsed or there has been uterine rupture, C-sections should be performed much earlier. Delaying the procedure any longer could result in dangerous injuries to both the mother and child.

Depending on the circumstances, a delayed emergency C-section may lead to: 

  • birth injuries;
  • child brain damage or mental retardation;
  • excessive maternal blood loss;
  • maternal cardiac arrest; or
  • death of the mother or child.

Anyone who has suffered these consequences because of suspected delayed emergency C-section malpractice may find consultation in Cleveland with medical malpractice lawyers helpful if considering an Ohio delivery malpractice claim.

Delayed Emergency C-sections as Malpractice 

If certain signs, symptoms or complications present themselves during labor, indicating that the mother or child may be in danger, it is the doctor’s duty to respond appropriately to those signs and, if necessary, order an emergency C-section. If a doctor fails to do so, and it results in an injury to or death of the mother or child, the victims could have grounds for a legal claim.

A Cleveland medical malpractice lawyer can help Ohio families gather evidence and line up expert medical witnesses to explore the actions of the healthcare professional. Eventually, the medical expert may testify in a delivery malpractice suit that: 1) an emergency C-section should have been performed and 2) the lack of C-section or delay in performing it caused injury or harm.

Through a delivery malpractice claim, victims can seek compensation for: 

  • medical bills;
  • mental anguish and emotional suffering;
  • permanent disability; and
  • loss of enjoyment of life.

In the event the mother or baby dies because of the delayed C-section, survivors may be able to seek additional compensation for funeral and burial expenses.

Seek Help in Cleveland from Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Ohio 

To discuss if delivery malpractice may have caused injury and if compensation may be sought for damages related to emergency C-section malpractice, victims and their loved ones can contact Mellino Robenalt LLC in Cleveland. A medical malpractice lawyer in Ohio at the firm can provide legal consultation and offer legal representation and assistance if pursuing an emergency C-section malpractice claim.