Stop Banging Your Head

Jim Fausone
Veteran Advocate

We receive about 300 emails a month asking for help. We try to sort out those VA disability claims where we can really help. The first two rules are you have to have a current disability and then explain how it is service connected. If you just feel entitled or need money or the government owes you for serving, it is not a claim that should be filed or re-filed. If you do not have a legitimate claim, you are part of the 900,000 claims backlog and only clog the system.

Today I received an email stating, “I am at the point that I must procure legal representation for my claim. I am on my third appeal. Have been diagnosed with PTSD and have knee problems as well”. The veteran was last denied in 2010.

If you wait until your third appeal, or second, to get help, then you are your own worst enemy. Either you don’t have a legitimate claim (an attorney or VSO should tell you that) or you don’t speak VA’s language and you need professional help.

Stop banging your head against the wall. Please get help earlier in the process.