Stomp attack results in 20 year jail sentence

The violence amongst teens today is frightening. This case resulted in permanent brain injuries to the victim.

Good news rarely captures people attention like the bad stuff does. This case is a prime example of society gone horridly wrong: A young 15-year-old teen was stomp assaulted outside her middle school. The attack, launched by an 18-year-old young male, was the penultimate in out-of-control behavior — behavior that resulted in traumatic brain injury for the girl, and a 20-year prison term for the boy.

The young woman will never be the same again, as her brain injuries are a permanent result of being viciously battered in the head with steel-toed boots. The young man’s brother had recently committed suicide, and by some bizarre quirk of lending a cell phone to another teen, the victim became the target of the boy’s violent rage.

As it turned out, the boy has serious mental health issues, but knew the difference between right and wrong; he reportedly stated to others just prior to the attack that he would most likely go to jail. He is on suicide watch, and spends 23 out of 24 hours alone, constantly monitored. His sentence may later be served in the juvenile system, to allow him access to mental health services.

Another teen, one who asked the victim if she could borrow her cell phone, has pled no contest to felony battery. She was the one who pointed out the victim to the attacker. The shocking thing is that the victim and her attacker had never met before, but thanks to lending her cell phone to another teen who contacted the attacker, she is no longer able to function normally.

The family may well consider filing a personal injury lawsuit, as they would have no other way to pay for the extensive medical expenses their daughter will deal with for the rest of her life. In order to be able to cope financially, and still take care of their daughter, they will need an infusion of fast cash. This may be accessed by applying for litigation funding to tide them over until their case is resolved.

An emergency lawsuit loan, also referred to as pre-settlement funding, is available to qualified plaintiffs, by filling out an online application, or calling a litigation funding company. The funds are provided to a plaintiff once their case has been assessed. An attorney must be handling the case to apply. Once the case details have been reviewed and the plaintiff’s case looks like it will win in court, the lawsuit cash advance is sent via the fastest route possible to the plaintiff’s bank account. This happens within 24 to 48 hours.

With a lawsuit loan backing them, the plaintiffs only have to focus on helping their daughter and wait for justice to be done. There is no need to deal with insurance companies who would press for a fast and cheap settlement. Litigation funding is a bonus for cash strapped plaintiffs.

Daren Monroe writes for Litigation Funding Corp. To learn more about lawsuit funding and litigation funding, visit

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