Do Visitors to Your Insurance Website Bounce?

If you keep track of your insurance website statistics, do you pay attention to your bounce rate?

If you do take the time to study some analytics relating to your insurance website, you might have run across the term, “bounce rate.” All that means is how many people visited one page of your site, and then click away form your site. If you have a high bounce rate, it usually means people just see the one page they landed on, and then they leave. If the bounce rate is low, this is generally good news, as it means visitors are staying on your site and checking out other pages.

Does it matter if people bounce off? Yes, it does, as the longer they stay, the higher the chances they become a customer, and convert by buying something. What can you do to reduce your bounce rate? If your insurance website only has one contact form on the home page, this significantly reduces the chances that someone fills it out. The solution is to have a short contact form on all the pages on your site. Keep in mind that visitors don’t always land on the home page.

Overall, you want a lower bounce rate, and want people to stay on your site longer and read the content. Having said that, is it a critical failure for your insurance website to have a higher bounce rate than you might like? The answer is no, a single page visit is not necessarily a bad thing, and does not affect your ranking. It means the visitor has found what they wanted, with either one or two clicks; a good sign for your insurance company.

Certainly, there are many ways to interpret bounce rate statistics, and this is something that will help you focus your website content. However, it is also something that not every insurance agent has time to do. This is where a top flight insurance search engine optimization (SEO) company comes to bat for you. They are able to not only help you choose the right content for your insurance website, but know the ins and outs of working with natural SEO conversion rates, and why, when dealing with “that” conversion rate, the bounce rate does matter.

Of course, SEO is more than just the bounce rate. It involves social media, news releases, articles, blogs and other connections, like Twitter and Facebook. For the whole picture that looks good on your insurance website, partner up with an insurance search engine optimization company. Reap the conversion rewards.

Ready to Quote is an insurance marketing company, specializes in marketing insurance websites online. Learn more at