Missing Your Social Security Statements? SSA’s New Policy


SSA has recently changed its policy regarding the availability of the annual Social Security Statement. Effective May 1, 2012, SSA will begin to provide real-time online access to the Statement with the release of the new “MySocialSecurity” portal, www.socialsecurity.gov/mystatement. In March 2011, due to budget issues, SSA suspended the mailing of all annual Social Security Statements and disabled the online and automated telephone service for requesting the Statement. It also discontinued the use of Form SSA-7004 (Request for a Social Security Statement). In February 2012, SSA resumed the mailing of the Statement, but only to workers age 60 or older.

SSA will offer the revised Form SSA-7004 (Request for a Social Security Statement) only to individuals unable to access their Statement online, either because of the inability to register for the MySocialSecurity account or to access any online services. In those situations, access to the SSA-7004 will be available by contacting the local SSA.

More information is available in Emergency Message EM-11021 REV2 (Eff. Date 5/1/2012), https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/public/reference.nsf/links/05012012024529PM.