Drunk Driver Plows Through House Badly Injuring Man Eating Supper

This accident was one of the strangest things the police had ever seen. A car shot clear through a house.

They say that the truth is far stranger than fiction, and in this case, that is certainly true. It was a normal evening at the home of John and Maria Doe (names have been changed to protect the victims), and Mr. Doe was sitting at the table in his kitchen eating supper. When he looked out the window, he noted that it was raining so it would be a good night to stay in and just watch television.

Without any warning, a grey Nissan Maxima ploughed through the kitchen from the front room, and threw Mr. Doe and the kitchen furniture out into the backyard. The scene was something right out of a movie, with Mr. Doe’s wife and son frantically trying to find him underneath all of the rubble on the lawn.

When the police arrived, they were able to extricate the man and hand him over to emergency medical personnel who checked him over, only to amazingly find lacerations and a broken jaw. Those on the scene were virtually certain the man, when they found him, would have serious injuries. Mr. Doe was giving thanks to whatever was watching over him that evening.

The accident happened at about 7 p.m. when the Maxima clipped a tree in the Doe’s front yard, just before crashing through their front room window and wall, straight through to the kitchen and lounge room and right out to the back patio – taking Mr. Doe with them. The car’s driver also lucked out in terms of injuries and sustained minor lacerations.

The police suggested the driver step out of his vehicle and take a sobriety test, which perhaps not too surprisingly showed he was driving under the influence. Once the complete investigation is completed, there will likely be criminal charges for the driver. As for the personal injuries of the victim, Mr. Doe, he will likely want to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer to find out how he may file a claim for compensation for his injuries. Broken jaws take some time to heal and there will most likely be follow up therapy and perhaps dental surgery, if required.

Would the lawsuit be successful? Quite likely. Anyone that gets behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence is negligent for not thinking about the safety of others and themselves. Negligence is what needs to be present and proven in a personal injury accident.

If you have been in a similar situation or hit by a drunk driver, do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call an Austin personal injury lawyer. They will outline what you need to know, what your rights are, how you go about filing a lawsuit to recover damages for medical bills and other things, and let you know what to expect as the lawsuit works its way through the system. Only an experienced Austin personal injury attorney will be able to ensure you get the justice you deserve.

Robert W. Lee is an Austin personal injury lawyer for The Lee Law Firm. If you need an Austin personal injury lawyer, contact an Austin personal injury attorney from The Lee Law Firm. Visit RWLeelaw.com.

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