Health Insurance for the Self Employed is Available and Affordable

Think you cannot find affordable health insurance because you are self-employed? That is a myth.

There is a lot of bad news floating around these days about the economy, its chances for recovery, whether America will ever be the same again and whether or not people can really get affordable health insurance. Yes, people can get affordable health insurance, even if they are self-employed. The problem is wading through the myths and myth-statements that scare people away from even starting to look.

While it is true that the cost of medical care is very expensive, the cost of not having health insurance can be even more expensive. If you are badly hurt and need extensive medical care, you would never be able to pay the bills without having health insurance. That’s the reality. If you are thinking that being self-employed means you have fewer dollars to go around for things like health insurance, think again.

Anyone, whether they are self-employed or not, will need to see a doctor for something. With health insurance, the bills are not what they could be. Without health insurance, the question becomes what do to and where to go to find the cash to pay the bills. The bottom line? It is well worth your time and the investment of a few extra dollars to have health insurance in place for those “oh darn, I sure didn’t plan for this to happen” moments. We all have them from time to time.

For now, you need to know how to keep your expenses down and still get what you need. Here are a few tips for you to lower your premium payments. At any time, feel free to call and ask your local expert health insurance agent about any of these tips, because that is what they are there for; to help you find a way to get the health insurance you need.

The first thing we would suggest is that you ask about a self-employed health care plan for you and your family. It is tough keeping health insurance individually, because freelance income is variable from month to month. That means you need to think ahead and plan for the slow times when they arrive. There is no need to rush into anything and you have the time to carefully consider the different packages and pricing available.

The more information you have, the better informed you are. If you do this kind of planning and searching with a health insurance agent, you will come out a winner. They know their products, know their plans and know where to find the deals. Ultimately, all that the agent really wants is for you to get something that keeps you healthy and kicks in when you need medical care.

Whether or not the local company deals exclusively with health insurance for self-employed individuals like you, or handles other plans and packages, you will be sure to get a deal, because the agent understands what it is like to work for yourself. After all, they are self-employed as well.

If you still want more information, then go online and ask for health insurance quotes so you may compare what is offered right away. It does not take much time to do and the overall savings you will realize later when you use your coverage will be well worth the investment of your time. Try not to grab the first quote you get, unless it happens to be the best one you get. Shopping around first gives you the power to control what you want to ultimately buy.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

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