An Explanation of Collision and Comprehensive Auto Coverage

Although not required by the state of Florida, collision and comprehensive insurance are two very important types of auto insurance coverage.

Let’s take a look at each one.

Collision insurance protects drivers from accidents involving other vehicles and objects. It provides protection by covering the cost of repairs to the vehicle or, if the vehicle is totaled, its replacement.

Comprehensive insurance coverage, however, covers virtually everything else beyond a collision up to the limits of the policy. This could be theft, vandalism, a tree limb falling on the vehicle or weather damage. It usually does not cover things such as tires, vehicle contents or acts of God.

Collision and comprehensive insurance can be purchased separately but are often purchased together. They often require a deductible. This means that the benefits of the coverage will not kick in until the policyholder has contributed a certain portion of his or her own money toward a claim. Deductibles can run the gamut, but often start at $500 and increase from there.

When choosing an auto insurance policy, it is important to note that a higher deductible will carry a smaller premium and vice versa.

The coverage amount provided by comprehensive and collision can differ depending on which policy is chosen. A coverage limit is the maximum amount a policy provider will pay toward the cost of repairs. A common limit chosen is $100,000.

As mentioned, comprehensive and collision are not required in the state of Florida. What is? Motorists are mandated to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL) coverage only. The limits set for both PIP and PDL are a minimum of $10,000 each.

Yet those requirements do not offer the protection that collision and comprehensive provide. Many financial lenders will require collision and comprehensive on a vehicle.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons of carrying collision and comprehensive auto insurance. For most drivers, it is a wise and prudent investment that can provide peace of mind and save thousands of dollars should an incident occur. But if the vehicle is old and has a value of only a couple of thousand dollars, it ordinarily is not worth the added expense.

It is important to speak with an insurance agent about the different options available.

Milla Tawnie writes for Orlando auto insurance and Orlando home insurance agency, the Florida Insurance Group. To learn more or to get auto and home insurance quotes, visit

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