Know the reasons why car wrecks happen

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what the causes of car accidents are. But it does take personal responsibility to avoid those accidents.

If you’ve read anything lately on the Internet or in the news about car accident statistics, you’ll notice that they are going up. That’s disturbing news. Unfortunately, most accidents are avoidable (unless it’s a mechanical defect) and people are just not taking responsibility for their actions.

For example, everyone knows that drinking and driving is just asking for an accident to happen. And yet, people go ahead and do it. They think nothing will happen to them, that they will make it home safely, that they haven’t had too much to drink and that they can drive just fine. They don’t stop to think about the consequences of their actions.

They don’t get that they may maim or kill someone’s family member. These roles could well be reversed by the way, with the drinker losing a loved one to a drunk driver. The first person to get outraged over the accident is the person who makes it a habit to drive drunk.

These days, driving while under the influence doesn’t just mean under the influence of booze, it also means under the influence of drugs, which can include street or prescription drugs. It’s quite the social commentary on the direction humanity – that over time, people have come up with more ways to drive dangerously, not taking ultimate responsibility for their actions and addictions.

Driving while fatigued is yet another very common occurrence on the road. Take the case of an Arkansas woman, on her way home from her sister’s wedding shower party that ended at 2 a.m. She was almost home when she dozed off behind the wheel of her car, drifting into the oncoming lane, right into the path of an 18-wheeler. She never knew what hit her. Police reports across the country commonly cite falling asleep at the wheel as the reason for horrific crashes, causing serious injuries and death. This is yet another situation where people don’t take responsibility for their actions. If you’re tired, take a nap. It could save your life.

Observing posted speed limits is also something a great number of people don’t do, often with drastic consequences. Life is about choices, and choosing to speed is choosing to take the risk that something bad will happen if you lose control of your vehicle. Choosing to speed is choosing to put other people’s lives at risk for your fun. Think about that carefully the next time you get behind the wheel of a car and have the itch to let it out full speed. You may end up someplace you weren’t originally going when you left home – in the hospital or dead.

If you’ve been in a car accident that was someone else’s fault, speak to an Arkansas injury and accident lawyer, it will increase your chances of getting a fair settlement. While some people feel they can file an accident claim on their own, they often don’t have the kind of experience needed to deal with the predatory insurance companies. A seasoned and capable Arkansas injury lawyer knows how to handle insurance companies. It’s what they do best and to your benefit.

Michael G. Smith
is anArkansas personal injury lawyer and Arkansas accident lawyer, practicing personal injury law and veteran’s benefits in Arkansas. Learn more by visiting

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