Florida Individual Health Insurance a Smart Move

No matter how healthy you are now, there will be a point when you need to use a hospital. Having health insurance is a smart move.

There are a good number of people in the US who think that they don’t need health insurance, that it’s a waste of time and money and they have better things to do. You may indeed have better things to do, but trying to do them with that broken leg or arm that happened unexpectedly in a car crash is going to be difficult.

How will you pay your medical bill – the enormous medical bill – that arrives for the hospital services? No one has that kind of money in the bank and wiping out your savings isn’t a good idea either. And so you may be left with declaring medical bankruptcy; all because you did not have some form of individual Florida health insurance. Sure, people think health insurance is expensive, but it’s “more” expensive if you “don’t” have it.

The only thing you need to remember is that even though you may be on a budget and need specific things, there is always a policy that exists out there that will suit you. All you have to do is ask your local health insurance broker for help. After all, they know their product and can find something to suit precisely what you need. Notice I didn’t say “want.” That is because you “need” specific types of coverage to be protected versus the fact that you may “want” a Cadillac plan for a low cost. Cadillac health insurance plan and low cost payments are words that rarely happen in the same sentence.

Basically, you need to do some homework, surf the Internet, ask friends what they have and talk to an expert Florida health insurance agent. Having some insurance rather than none may save you from bankruptcy court at some point. If you think that’s a little off the wall, consider the price to fix a broken leg: $30,000. Do you have $30,000? Chances are the answer to that is “No,” and neither do a lot of other people. Don’t take risks with your health when, for a small monthly premium, you could have health insurance coverage.

Let’s take a look at some things you can do to get what you need in an individual health insurance policy; the right one for you. Take a close look at the various health insurance policies and their varying monthly payments. This isn’t to say you should buy according to price alone, or you may not get what you thought you got. Always talk to a qualified health insurance agent. Their advice is free, they’re not trying to sell you a bum deal and they can help you save money. Really, what other services these days helps you save money?

When you’re looking at various policies, keep in mind you need to check the co-insurance, meaning the percentage of the bill “you” have to fork out cash for versus what the insurance company will pay. In most cases, the insurance company pays the bigger portion of the bill, which may seem great, but it usually means higher premiums. So if you up your payments, the premiums will come down.

If you have questions, then don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Florida health insurance agent who only has your best interests in mind.

Evan Tunis is with FloridaHealthcareInsurance.com, the leading provider of Florida health insurance quotes. To learn more about Florida health insurance, visit Floridahealthcareinsurance.com.

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