Commonly Recalled Defective or Dangerous Products on the Rise

It’s hard to know these days what is going to be recalled next. Lately, it seems like there’s a product every day.

Without sounding too pessimistic, it’s downright depressing to realize that a good portion of the goods we all use daily may be defective and therefore potentially dangerous. Welcome to the 21st century where manufacturing is in high gear and concern for consumer’s welfare comes a distant second to profits.

It’s depressing to realize that everything we touch, eat, drink, wear or even drive may cause us serious injuries or even death. Unfortunately, there are some companies that are driven to increase their bottom lines at the expense of those who use their products. “Is there any way to tell which companies will make and sell a defective product? No. Is there any recourse for a consumer who has been hurt by a defective product? Yes, speak to a qualified Austin personal injury attorney,” advised Beverly Aylmer, who writes for The Lee Law Firm in Austin, Texas.

“You’d think that once several companies were sued for putting out a defective or dangerous product, that the others would learn they need to be responsible for their products and the consequences of their products hurting someone. That doesn’t seem to be the case. Often those who were held responsible for negligence in manufacturing continue on their way, sometimes still making the defective product and sometimes moving on and making a different defective product. It’s often a never ending story,” Aylmer commented.

Generally speaking, there are some cases where the danger attached to a product is only relevant to a limited portion of it. Say for instance, a defective pull handle on a chainsaw. However, as is more frequently the case, there is usually a flaw in the overall design of a product that means every similar item made with the same components, etc. will have the same defect. Think Toyota and their sticking accelerators.

In either case, the options a manufacturer has are to take the product off the market entirely or wind up being forced into a consumer product recall. “To say that would ruin their reputation is likely an understatement,” added Aylmer who writes for Austin personal injury attorney R.W. Lee of The Lee Law Firm.

“Just what kinds of products seem to be in the news and recalled more often than not? Usually, you can count on drugs being dangerous and/or recalled, and that would include over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs; tainted or contaminated food such as meat, shellfish, nuts, sprouts, etc., kids toys and other products for children, and cars and their various parts,” outlined Aylmer.

For those who have been harmed by a dangerous or defective product, it’s urgent to contact an Austin personal injury attorney and discuss compensation, as well as holding the maker of the product responsible for the harm their product caused.

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