Swine Flu Vaccine May Pose Unexpected Risks

The proposed H1N1 influenza vaccine expected to be administered to millions of Americans may pose serious risks, along with subsequent lawsuits due to adverse consequences experienced.

Much discussion has recently surfaced about the mandated administration of H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines to millions of Americans, especially those included in so-called “high risk” groups such as children, the elderly and pregnant women. But if these groups are at risk for contagion of the relatively rare influenza strain – they may also be at risk for adverse consequences received from the vaccine itself.

How safe is this vaccine? What are its potential hazards?

In fact, one of the special groups currently being targeted for vaccination is healthy pregnant women. This group, while at risk for the “swine flu,” may be at direct risk of experiencing adverse affects attributable to the vaccine itself, including but not limited to mercury poisoning. On July 23, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine and Related Biologic Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) confirmed that the H1N1 vaccine will contain significant amounts of mercury containing the preservative thimerosal. This mercury-laden concoction has not been proven yet to cause adverse health consequences, but concerns about fetuses being harmed have arisen. To stretch the vaccines, certain adjuvants may also be added to the concoction prior to its being administered. These compounds have yet to be specifically approved for use in the United States and some studies have shown they cause immune disorders in mice. In fact, the proposed adjuvants (AS03 and MF59) are squalene oil-based. Exposure to squalene is associated with production of auto-antibodies and auto-immune disease. Squalene adjuvant in vaccines may well have been responsible for Gulf War Syndrome among U.S. military personnel.

Although six deaths occurred among pregnant U.S. women believed to have the H1N1 flu between April 15 and June 16, 2009, how many deaths and adverse consequences may occur if healthy pregnant women in mass numbers are exposed to the vaccine? An epidemic of auto-immune disease or Gulf War Syndrome among otherwise healthy, pregnant women would almost certainly trigger a rash of related lawsuits, as liability may be provable in varying degrees.

These potential hazards may already have been lost in the politically-motivated public safety arguments which have advocated for mass immunization of relatively untested vaccine concoctions in recent months.
Alexandra Reed writes for Connecticut personal injury law firm, Stratton Faxon.

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