The Immigration Rules Are Not Working

It’s not a major secret or even much of a surprise that immigration rules and regulations really don’t work that well.

Every day we read the paper, there is another story about the problems of illegal immigration or other dire news relating to this convoluted system. It’s not much wonder when the rules keep changing like a kaleidoscope, that things aren’t working all that well for either those that run this complicated system, or those that are trying to work within this archaic system.

Is the system broken? Most definitely it is and this isn’t much of a shock either when you look at the horrendous documentation to be admitted to the US as an authorized immigrant. Knowing that the system lacks something to be desired, and takes forever and a day to get through (meaning sometimes years) more immigrants are willing to take the chance of sneaking over the border and just getting on with their lives.

Speak to immigrants waiting for approval to get into the US and you’ll likely hear a whole litany of things what would make a natural citizen cringe. The rules, regulations, addendums and constant changes make trying to get legal status in the US a real hit and miss proposition. Why then are we wondering that the influx of illegal immigrants seems to be higher than it has ever been?

It’s quite obvious that immigrants want to live in the US because America truly is the land of unlimited opportunities – if you can even get approved, meet all the requirements, live an exemplary life, don’t commit a crime, learn all about the civil government and pass your citizenship test. Not asking much are we?

Unfortunately, to say that the immigration system is botched would be an understatement. Take a good look at how jammed packed the immigration courts happen to be. Qualified, decent people that would do our country credit are getting lost in a vast behemoth of a system whose good days are few and far between. In the meantime, almost 30 million people have felt the need to sneak over the border. The immigration system definitely needs to be fixed.

Sally Odell – Rifkin & Fox-Isicoff, PA is an immigration lawyer in Miami with immigration law offices in Orlando and Miami Florida. To learn more about immigration lawyer in miami, immigration lawyer in orlando, immigration lawyer in florida, visit

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