Medicare Covers Everything – Not!

It’s a well-known fact that Medicare covers everything. Actually, that isn’t the case at all, and this is a very common misconception.

How many times has an overheard conversation brought up the fact that people think Medicare covers everything, almost and including the kitchen sink? It’s interesting that people seem to regard Medicare as the Super Man of the health insurance industry with far reaching powers. To a certain extent this has a nugget of truth in it, however, Medicare is far from being the “be all, end all” of health insurance.

While Medicare does a yeoman’s job of covering the general populace, they definitely have drawn some lines in the sand that they won’t cross when it comes to coverage. For instance, Medicare does not cover long-term care. This would actually make some sense when the bigger picture is taken into consideration. They could not cover long-term care due to the nature of the enormous expenses involved.

Medicare also only partially covers preventative care, as there is a limit to some things when it comes to what is classified as preventative care. This area of the health care system could be abused with very little effort, and in order to keep a lid on soaring expenses, only some prevention is approved.

Check with your local Medicare health insurance agent for the whys and wherefore on this. Never assume something is the case without specifically checking it, as the Medicare system in the U.S. is in a state of transition right now and things are changing rapidly.

While Medicare is fairly reasonable when it comes to approving treatments for things that are considered medical necessities, there are exceptions to every rule. This is the time to be checking out the exceptions with a highly qualified Medicare health insurance agent. It’s one call that will definitely save some hassle and confusion in the long run.

If the overall Medicare system is taken into consideration, it would be obvious that the number of people it must insure would be staggering. They realistically are not able to cover everything for everyone or the cost of Medicare, rather than being fairly reasonable, would be right out of line.

To learn more about Medicare, Medicare supplements, or Medicare supplement insurance visit

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