Fox Meadows Software Packages Certain to be Federally Complian

Fox Meadows plans to continue its proven track record of diagnostic and treatment efficacy while meeting all ARRA standards.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is off and running. President Obama’s bold federal initiative, in response to our current economic meltdown of 2008-2009, has met congressional approval to the tune of $787 billion. A sizable chunk of that stimulus money, close to $20 billion (currently budgeted at $17.2 billion) is “earmarked,” to use that much maligned term (with apologies in advance to Senator John McCain) for EMR software packages. Intended is more like it, but the meaning is clear: a lot of federal dollars is set to reimburse physicians and hospitals for their soon-to-be-mandated purchases of federally compliant Electronic Medical Records software systems. For many, the transition will be too costly to undertake without the rebates. But if physicians in their offices can move into the 21st century with a certain aplomb, overcoming their natural distrust of change (it’s human nature), Fox Meadows will be there for them.

In the past several years, the prestigious South Carolina-based firm has made its mark in thousands of offices nationwide, amassing a proven track record of diagnostic and treatment efficacy. Our EMR solutions have helped thousands of physicians participating in more than 20 specialties to not only accept technological advances of great magnitude, but to expect an intuitive functionality that makes essential patient information instantly available at the point of care. To many patients who are used to old-fashioned disordered chaos at the mercy of paper, this paperless trend is nothing short of miraculous. In many instances, direct patient care becomes possible if not probable when it was unlikely before. Physicians are being freed up to experience something they might never have dared to imagine – that clinical encounters can be pleasant for the physician and patient alike.

It’s certain that EMR solutions from Fox Meadows will be compliant to newly established federal guidelines when the time comes. But January 1, 2011, is the day when the money gods will officially open the floodgates to reimbursement for compliant packages. A significant date for you may well be now, today, in 2009, so that the learning curve for transition post-purchase (three-to-six months is typical for most new users) doesn’t sneak up on your office or facility, and the 80% usage requirement (a prerequisite for reimbursement) becomes a smoother reality. Let Fox Meadows provide you with the right EMR solution to help you get there. Don’t procrastinate when your future is waiting.

To learn more about electronic medical records, emr software, medical billing software visit

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