The Purer the Better

Let’s face it, the purer our drinking water is, the happier we are. We know and appreciate the benefits of pure drinking water and realize it’s fast becoming a rare commodity in the world. It’s time to take matters into your own hands.

The lengths some of us go to make sure we have clean, pure water to drink might even be funny if it weren’t for the fact we spend so much time and money doing it. We buy bottled water under the mistaken impression it is pure; install home purification systems that merely mask the taste of the tap water, and may even become sources of contamination themselves. So what’s the real scoop? Bottled, tap, purified, reverse osmosis or what?

Well, let’s take a short step back and figure out roughly how much Americans spend on what they think is pure water each year. Would you believe over $35 billion dollars on bottled water by brand name companies? That’s a startling amount of money going to waste. Check out the most recent brags in the media by Pepsi and CocaCola that say they’re predicting bottled water will out sell their soda products. Isn’t that something?

If they figure water will outstrip soft drinks, then that should tell you water is becoming the main focus of many American’s lives, and they want the best there is. Well, bottled water is not the best there is. What is really needed is clean, healthy and safe water, but not have to pay an arm and a leg for it — and what doesn’t cost big bucks these days?

Bottled water just doesn’t cut it as it comes from the same source your tap water does, with the exception of some form of purification; so it remains just that — tap water with stuff in it you don’t really want to drink. Ditto for reverse osmosis, as it does not take out chlorine, herbicides and pesticides. You get the idea. No, the only really tried and true method of getting pure, healthy and safe drinking water is with distillation.

The water distillation process gives you something called “rain in a chamber.” You use regular tap water and it’s vaporized, converting to sterilized steam as it gets heated beyond boiling temperature. This takes place in a stainless steel vaporizing chamber. The vapor diverts into a stainless steel condensing coil and gases, including chlorine, are eliminated. The vapor is then condensed back to its original state. Now that is pure and fresh.

Larry Wardell is with, a provider of water distillers and water distillation systems. To learn more, visit

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