Slip and Fall Accidents Cause Personal Injuries

Slip and fall, or slip, trip and fall accidents are not always the easiest cases to try for the simple reason that the landowners only have a certain limited liability to those who come onto their property. Each case varies according to the set of circumstances, and this is one of the first things a competent Orlando personal injury lawyer will tell you.

A slip and fall accident “falls” within the realm of personal injury, which as your Orlando injury attorney will tell you, means an injury directly to your “person” such as when you fall on someone’s property, thanks to a dangerous situation. You may have tripped over an uneven sidewalk, jammed your foot and ankle in a hole in the ground, or even fallen over blocks sitting out in the middle of nowhere. No matter what caused you to fall, you’re likely going to hurt later.

If you suffered injuries that are bad enough that they sent you to a doctor for treatment, your Orlando accident lawyer will advise you that there may be a case for claiming compensation for the medical expenses you incur. In addition, you may also be able to claim pain and suffering and/or other economic loss. This is something that must be discussed with your personal injury lawyer.

While there are various ways to settle a slip and fall case, one of the first ways that may produce results (and save a costly trial) is to attempt a settlement with the property owner. This must be negotiated by your Orlando injury lawyer, and not something you try on your own; or literally, you will have no leg on which to stand. This is your lawyer’s job, and it’s best to let him or her do the job. Just remember to keep track of all your receipts for your expenses, after your slip and fall incident.

If the first route of settlement doesn’t bear fruit, then usually it is time to take the case to court and when that happens, the claim is filed against either public or private property and is phrased as a personal injury due to negligence. This is where the expertise of your Orlando accident lawyer will come to the fore. They have the ability to assess and evaluate damages and get a maximum settlement from the courts.

While you may think hiring an attorney for a slip and fall accident is rather ridiculous, think of it this way — if you fell and were injured due to someone else’s negligence, then you are entitled to compensation. It’s that simple.

Tony Francis is an Orlando personal injury lawyer. His practice specializes in being an Orlando accident lawyer helping innocent victims get compensation for their losses. To learn more about Orlando injury lawyer, Orlando personal injury lawyer, Orlando accident lawyer, Orlando injury attorney, visit

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